- ‘We Remember’ artists book, World Book Night 2023 exhibition, Bristol and Hong Kong
- Red Rock Island (Sketchbook), 2020
https://www.sketchbookproject.com/library/S7323514 - Red Rock Island (digital), 2020
- Instructions for a Butterfly and Little Light web apps, 2020
https://sidestep.me/little-light/ - Instructions for a Butterfly origami, 2020
- ‘8 poems’ pamphlet and audio poems, 2021
- 10ˣ, poem sequence in interactive interface, 2021
- forgotten nights, 2019
- ‘Redaction/Redirection’ animated poem display (looped video installation), 2019
- ‘Reactions: poetry lab’ interactive installation, 2019
- ‘Newcastle nine!’ interactive poem and interface, 2018
- FEAR, interactive audio drama installation, produced with Esraa Khalouf, Culture Lab, 2013